In case people are interested, here is my setup. If you find something you think is cooler, let me know. I love finding new things and improving my setup over time.

<aside> 💡 In my opinion, it is worth taking the time to pick out the right tools for your job, and tune them just how you like them. It can bring joy into your work and make you more effective. Invest time in understanding your tools and seeing how they can work for you. Find ways to make the tools more personalized to your preferences.




Your shell is one of your major interfaces into your computer. On every computer that I spend more than an hour on, I make sure to set up my environment. The time it takes to set it up is well worth the efficiency gained. Otherwise, using the default environment becomes a very painful and frustrating experience. I got no time for that.


zsh has a lot of nice features baked into it. Some of these things you can do with bash, but it requires configuration. The Wikipedia article gives a good summary of some of the features of zsh.

Oh My Zsh

oh my zsh provides a lot of great themes and plugins that work with zsh.


A powerful theme for zsh. It has a fancy setup script that walks you through all of its options.


I use iTerm2 for my terminal, which is a macOS-only application. Here are details about it:

Color scheme: Tomorrow Night Eighties

Theme: Powerlevel10k

Font: InputMono manually patched with Nerd Fonts